How to build cooperation models concerning water management in agricultural areas

Training: The role and tasks of Local Water Partnership leaders in landscape water management processes. Using the Living Lab method.

CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION The solution is a response to the problem of cooperation and development of solutions for water activities in agricultural areas. The reason for the problem was the assumption of the process of conducting activities in the area of water management – both resulting from the multitude of topics and a significant group of stakeholders in the process. The problem of the need to improve the process was reported at every level – from the local to the national level. Failure to establish systemic cooperation could stop the processes of conducting activities improving the quality of water solutions. The solution was developed in cooperation with the partners of the Waterdrive project – Pheno Horizon conducted workshops on the application of the Living Lab method with a group of agricultural advisors and coordinators of Water Partnerships.

DESCRIPTION OF THE SOLUTION As part of the WATERDRIVE project, the PHENO HORIZON team in cooperation with CDR Brwinów conducted workshops under the name: Role and tasks of Local Water Partnerships leaders in water management processes in the landscape. Using the Living Lab method. The aim of the workshop was to comprehensively prepare the water management planning process and invite key stakeholders for the process.

Sessions – the first day of the workshop:

  • Discussion of the issue „Water management in agricultural landscape” Theory and methodology with examples
  • Environmental aspects of water management – scientific expert
  • Processes of participatory spatial planning, statutory conditions and national practice
  • Examples of activities in the agricultural landscape – CDR Brwinów expert
  • Living Labs method – introduction
  • Examples of the implementation of the Living Labs method in Poland
  • Workshop work aimed at preparing for work using the Living Labs method: discussing the stakeholders and developing a list of benefits, developing a work schedule as part of the Living Lab, promoting the created Living Lab (preparation by participants of materials supporting stakeholder engagement – drawing a poster, preparing a presentation)

Sessions – the second day of the workshop:

  • Examples of the implementation of the Living Labs method in Poland – an example of a pilot area in the WATERDRIVE project: Kutno Commune
  • Introduction to Walt Disney’s workshop method + division into groups – Pheno Horizon expert
  • participants’ assessment of the effectiveness of the Living Lab method in conducting water management processes in agricultural areas
  • Presentation of conclusions from groups in the form of posters
  • Implementation based on „field” conditions and the experience of Advisors
  • Q&A session from participants to experts

POSSIBILITY OF ADAPTING THE SOLUTION The trainings were very positively received by the participants. In their opinion, they organized the implementation of tasks and opened up horizons for cooperation. The participants gained a broader knowledge of what arguments to use to establish cooperation at the (mainly local) level and what are the synergistic connections of their tasks with other activities carried out – for example by local governments. The participants’ opinions on the whole solution were quite enthusiastic. The method can be used in developing methods of cooperation at various levels.

Authors of the solution description: Małgorzata Grodzicka-Kowalczyk, Maciej Kowalczyk (PHENO HORIZON)
State of impletemntation of the solution: Implemented